Sliding Door Price in Nigeria 2023/2024

Sliding door price in Nigeria: Welcome to this page. If you are here reading this, that means you must have been doubtful of the exact price of sliding door in Nigeria, its nature, significance, as well as where exactly to buy it. If that’s true, then this article is all you need. Read carefully as we analyze everything for you apprehensively and self-explanatorily. 

Literally, a building without a door is like eyes without lids. Just as building a house in this kind of generation without a modern sliding door equates riding a horse on a tarred road. When it comes to a modernized way of furniture application, sliding door is as effective as other choices. Its modern effect on every building can never be overemphasized.

Sliding door price in Nigeria


As a professional building contractor, not only do you need to master your craft, it’s quite imperative that you need to know the modern way of furnishing  that would fulfill your client’s desire. That is why we present to you the price of sliding door, its significance and nature. Here at, we would give you some exposure on the exact price range and where to buy preferred type of sliding door.

Also, if you are a potential entrepreneur, maybe you are planning on setting up a business based on furniture sales; it is obvious that you need to know some basic things about your choice of firm, like the price and other factors.

Even if you are a research enthusiast, I congratulate you for finding this post, because this is a post wherein we provide every data that you need, basically on the price, and effects of sliding doors. It is important to know that the price of sliding doors depends on the type, vendor’s price tag, and the quality.  For this reason, we implore you not to skip any part of this article, as it will go a long way to help you get the best information and experience.


A sliding door is a type of door which opens horizontally by sliding, usually horizontal to a wall. Sliding doors can be mounted either on top of a track below or be suspended from a track above. Some types slide into a space in the parallel wall in the direction of travel, rather than the door sliding along the outside of the parallel wall.[1] There are several types of sliding doors, such as pocket doors, sliding glass doors, center-opening doors, and bypass doors. Sliding doors are commonly used as shower doors, glass doors, screen doors, wardrobe doors or in vans.



  • Enhanced Spatial Comfort

Sliding doors allow for efficient use of space as they slide along a track and do not open into another area. In megalopolises where residents live in high rises with limited square footage, sliding doors give an accentuated sense of space. Not only are these doors easy on the eyes, but they are also easy to install and maintain. Essentially, these doors can open up rooms and create an illusion of space that makes a home or office look larger than it is.

  • Allows Natural Light to Enter

Having sliding doors installed means copious amounts of natural light scattering inside through them and lighting up your home or office. Reduced artificial lighting during the day will also make your home look friendly and more welcoming. The flexibility of installing glass panes from the floor to the ceiling can provide a better and expansive view of your surroundings.

  • Dimensional Flexibility

Unlike standard hinged doors, sliding doors can be made as wide or as high as desired. This makes shifting and re-shifting big furniture in and out of rooms an easy task. It allows for easy foot movement during gatherings or otherwise.

  • Silent and Low-Maintenance

Sliding doors cannot be slammed! It is as simple as that. They are quieter to open and close as compared to other designs and require very little maintenance. One only needs some soapy water, a sponge, and a soft cloth to clean the sliding door panels and glass panes.

  • Unmatched Aesthetics and Variety

Glass sliding doors come in a huge variety of designs. The frames can be colour-coated and customised to suit your property’s aesthetic requirements. One can choose from various types of configurations like pocket Sliding doors, Patio Sliding doors, Sliding French doors, Bypass doors, Sliding Bi-fold doors, etc.


  • Raised tracks can be a trip hazard

Some sliding glass doors still have raised floor tracks. This can create a trip hazard, which is dangerous or inaccessible for young children, those who use walking aids, and wheelchair users.

Sliding glass doors are a security hazard

Suppose you’re worried about the safety and security of the sliding door. In that case, it’s important to pay attention to the security features of the door you purchase and take a few precautions. To prevent people from seeing inside your home, you’ll likely need to add lateral blinds or curtains that you can close at night and when you’re not at home.

  • The tracks and glass need a lot of maintenance

If you’re used to sliding glass doors that get stuck and are hard to open and close, you’ll be pleased to know that modern sliding glass doors don’t have this problem as often. However, it’s essential to keep the tracks clean and lubricated. You’ll also need to clean the glass frequently if you want a spotless view of the outside.


As it had been made clear in the introductory section that there are different types and qualities of sliding doors. Consequently, the price variation of sliding doors hinge mostly on these factors.

The price of sliding doors in Nigeria as at 2023 ranges from N150, 000 to N 1,500,000.


What size is a sliding door?

So, how big is a standard sliding glass door? A standard glass sliding door is normally fixed at 80 inches in length. However, the width may vary between 60 inches to 72 inches, depending on the amount of space available for installation.

Can sliding doors break?


Most sliding glass doors are made of tempered glass, which can be easily shattered. An intruder could simply throw a large object through the door or strike it with a hard object to break it. Tempered glass was designed to break into tiny pieces that don’t have sharp edges when shattered.

How long do sliding doors last?

About 40 years

With consistent light cleaning, but without any major maintenance, sliding patio doors usually last about 40 years. Standard sliding glass doors operate using a track as a guide for the door and roller wheels for the door to move back and forth. Dirt and grime can gunk up the track making it hard to open and close.

What is the function of a sliding door?

Sliding doors offer quick and easy access to commonly used areas, such as patios and backyards. They are especially handy for homeowners who love cooking in the kitchen because they can offer a seamless connection to outdoor spaces, allowing them to entertain guests during a backyard barbecue or pool party.

What are the advantages of sliding door?

The pros of sliding doors

If you want a little fresh air without having to open any of your doors too wide, sliding doors are ideal. Unlike French doors that open inwards or outwards, your sliding door will either slide back into the wall or into the track, making them a great option if you’re trying to save space.

Are sliding doors good or bad?

Space saver: Because of the sideways sliding, these doors don’t block any outside space, something hinged doors do. These make sliding doors an ideal choice for rooms which do not have much space. But, sliding doors are also ideal for expansive wardrobes where having multiple hinged doors may not be ideal.


The content you just read is about the price range of sliding door in Nigeria. However, it is important to note that the actual price of all the items written in this article depends strictly on the some factors like the vendor’s price tag, the product’s size and type, as well as the quality and design of the corresponding item. Stay conversant with to get other relevant updates like this.

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